Monday, 15 February 2016



Community Services


Illustrator Artist

Mbongeni Fongoqa has taken it up to Himself to improve the visual appeal of public spaces in his community, focusing mainly on businesses that are located in spaces with a wide view to the publicHe aims to use Art & Design to communicate strong and Powerful messages with the objective of unlocking the hidden potential in the Khayelitsha township and surrounding communities.

HuemanBeingDesign* Community Services

is an on going community project established to develop &improve informal township businesses. The longer term vision is to fight under representation, poverty, and unemployment in the form of introducing unexplored developmental opportunities and markets to community stakeholders and service rendering businesses. Using a professional Graphic Design approach the mission is to re-brand as many service rendering businesses as possible. This is going to change the way we view and see township lifestyles. and businesses.

YZ- "Thinking Of A Master Plan" 

Amel Larrieux - Sweet Misery